DQR Working Group


The DQR Working Group (AK DQR) is the committee which brings together all relevant stakeholders involved in DQR development and implementation process. They come from general education, higher education, vocational education and training; include social partners and business organisations, as well as additional experts from research and practice.

All of the key decisions are prepared in the DQR Working Group. The principle of consensus forms the basis of collaboration within the working group.

DQR Working Group


Dr. Stefan Luther, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Arno Limmeroth, Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs



Federal Employment Agency
Dr. Sascha Zirra

Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare / Diakonie Deutschland – Evangelical Federation
Dr. Annett Herrmann

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Prof. Dr. Friedrich H. Esser

Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Dr. Stefan Luther (Chair), Dr. Catrin Hannken

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Boris Petschulat

Confederation of German Employers’ Associations
Dr. Isabel Rohner

German Civil Service Federation
Thomas Speck

Federation of German Trade Unions
Mario Patuzzi

IG Metall Trade Union
Jörg Ferrando

ver.di – United Services Union
Stefan Gaede-Seiler

German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Dr. Gordon Schenk

Free Federation of Student Unions in Germany
Emmi Kraft

Conference of Health Ministers
Anja Lull

German Rectors’ Conference
Prof. Dr. Micha Teuscher

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs
Arno Limmeroth (Chair), Woldemar Venohr

German Employers’ Organisation for Vocational and Further Training/Trade Association
Katharina Weinert

Council of Continuing Education / German Adult Education Association
Sascha Rex

Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany
Agnes Leinweber

Conference of Economics Ministers
Hilke Smit-Schädla

German Confederation of Skilled Crafts
Dr. Volker Born