Federal Government-Federal State Coordination Point
The Federal Government-Federal State Coordination Point (B-L-KS DQR) assumes the role of a national coordination point (NCP) for the implementation of the European Qualifications Framework EQF) in Germany. The Federal Government-Federal State Coordination Point was established on the basis of the Joint Resolution by the Federal Government and the Federal States on 01.05.2013 and co-ordinates tasks resulting from this resolution. The B-L-KS DQR
- supports the implementation of the DQR,
- monitors the referencing of qualifications to the levels of the DQR with respect to the coherence of the overall structure,
- maintains a register of referenced qualifications and provides information on current developments relating to the DQR.
Federal Government-Federal State Coordination Point of the “German Qualification Framework”
Dr. Stefan Luther, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Arno Limmeroth, Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Dr. Stefan Luther (Chair)
Dr. Catrin Hannken
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Boris Petschulat
Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs /
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Baden-Württemberg
Arno Limmeroth (Chair)
Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs /
Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Woldemar Venohr
Conference of Economics Ministers / Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy
Hilke Smit-Schädla